
Dear readers,

First of all, I apologise profusely. It has been an incredibly long stretch since the last time I wrote. Many thanks to the fabulous SdV for all her amazing posts that make me quite envious of her growing, impressive makeup and skincare arsenal.

In January this year, I started working full-time in research, and am lucky to be inspired on an almost daily basis by my fantastic, outrageously intelligent, quirky, very dorky colleagues who believe in and are passionate about their work. I am thinking very seriously as well about what to do beyond this year, and am exploring a host of options ranging from shifting into the private sector to (gasp, shock, horror) a PhD.

I have also started running regularly once again, which is proving a greater challenge than I thought after sinking into months and months of sedentary behavioural patterns. Also, the effects of ageing are very real, ladies and gents. My joints tell me every time I run that I’m not 21 any more.

To add variety to my routine, I have taken up salsa dancing. This has added so much flavour to my life and I’m a much happier person when I dance. I’m not particularly good at it, but I hope that over the next few months with classes and practice, I’ll get to a stage where I’m doing more than pretending I know what I’m doing on the dance floor!

There are some exciting travel plans up ahead as well, and I’ll be writing more about that as the trips materialise! I’m psyched to be seeing a bit more of the world this year – revisiting some beloved spots and discovering some new ones.

More posts to come, promise – I have a massive backlog of products just waiting to be reviewed, and I will get around to those as soon as humanly possible! Meanwhile, here is a cup of bitter coffee:



Thanks for sticking around with us at belle demoiselle! 


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