
valentines notd 3

Hi lovely ladies! How did Valentines Day treat you? Did you do something romantic or have an exciting night with some friends?

I’ve got a simple yet cute valentine themed nail art for you today which I’ve been sporting the past two weeks.

On the base is OPI’s Bubble Bath. I used two layers of the semi-opaque pale pink polish for a clean look. It applied smoothly and levelled nicely even though there’s still some visible nail line.
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On my point finger I have Picture Polish’s glitterific Tease. Two layers is enough to achieve full opacity, it is a beautiful deep magenta pink glitter polish which has a little texture to it even with a topcoat over it. I like that it broke up the monotony of the pale pink and is just so fun and girly.
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I ended by painting a freehand heart of my ring finger with OPI’s ARose at Dawn…Broke by Noon (points for the longest polish name ever?) which is a metallic pink with the same tones as Tease. Just gently dab two dots and drag the point down to join into a heart shape. I then took a toothpick and run it down the middle to curve the tail of the heart.

This manicure has lasted really well, for two weeks  before seeing chipping, mainly on my point fingers. I love seasonal looks, especially easy to do nail art that is fuss free. What are some of your favourite Valentines Day looks? Tell us in the comments!

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