
I brought along the SK-II STEMPOWER moisturizer with me when I was away in Australia, thinking that my skin could benefit from some additional care as well as moisture – hey, it’s spring and still quite cold! My first two reviews have been positive and I must say that it’s helped keep my skin smooth and soft.

The SK-II STEMPOWER moisturizer is great for oily skins, even in our humid weather. I apply a very thin layer during the day and supplement additional moisture with my sunscreen, and then put a pea-sized amount on my face at night to protect against the air-conditioning. I may not be able to see the anti-aging effects as much, given that I’m still in my 20s but as mentioned previously, it’s always good to take a preventative measure when it comes to aging concerns.

SK-II’s STEMPOWER comes highly recommended, and a little goes a long way with this product. I’d recommend using this as a night moisturizer if you prefer something a little lighter during the day time, but if you have dry skin, this will be perfect for both day and night.

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